I’m out on my morning walk, and it got me thinking about men who want to start waking up earlier—whether it’s 6:00, 5:00, or whatever early wake-up time you’re aiming for.
Here’s the deal: it’s important to give your body time to adjust. If you’re like me, eventually your body will wake up on its own, maybe even right before your alarm goes off—that’s how well you can train it. But the mistake a lot of men make is trying to go from waking up at 8:00 or 9:00 straight to 5:00 a.m. They might do it for a day, but by the next day or the one after that, it falls apart.
When you’re trying to create change, sometimes the key is to make that change smaller. So, instead of jumping straight to 5:00 a.m., try setting your alarm for 7:30 or even 7:45. What you’re doing is setting yourself up for success. And success builds momentum. It keeps you motivated and moving in the right direction.
Think about how long you’ve been waking up at 8:00 or 9:00. It’s probably been years, right? So, if it takes a few months to back yourself up to a 5:00 wake-up, that’s totally fine. Just focus on winning, man. Create a plan that challenges you but is also realistic. Baby steps—each small win gets you closer to your goal.
There are huge advantages to waking up early. The main one? Most people are still asleep. That time is all yours. You can read, work on your personal goals, play music, exercise—whatever it is you want to focus on. It’s your time to invest in yourself.
Now, if you’re going to succeed with an early wake-up, a regular bedtime routine is key. I don’t buy into the whole “I only need 3 or 4 hours of sleep” thing. Your body needs 6 to 8 hours of rest—everyone’s a little different, but you’ve got to find your sweet spot. Whether it’s 7, 7.5, or 8 hours, figure it out, and then back up your bedtime from there. If you want to wake up early and feel great, you’ve got to be in bed at the right time.
That means no staying up until 11:00 or 12:00 at night. Set yourself up to win by getting to bed at 9:00 or 10:00, whatever works for you, based on how much sleep you need.
So, just remember: small steps to back up your wake-up time, and set a consistent bedtime to get the sleep you need. If you do that, you’ll win. You’ll create that extra space in your day to do the things that matter most to you—the things that move your life forward and make you feel good about yourself.
When we feel good about who we are and what we’re doing, life just gets better. And that’s what I’m here to help you with—to encourage you to be your best self, push yourself, and bring your best to the world. Because when you’re at your best, and I’m at mine, it creates a ripple effect. The world benefits.
Alright men, I’m Todd with Empowered Man Coaching. Get out there and crush it today. Have a great one. Ciao!

Author: Todd Gorishek
Todd is a certified Men’s Life Coach, an entrepreneur, a licensed healthcare professional, a husband, a father, and a world traveler. His mission is to co-create a strong and compassionate world by facilitating transformation through understanding, trust, and empowerment.
He received his professional Life Coaching education from Newfield Network, a certified Life Coach training school, and is a member of the International Coach Federation.