Need to Knows

What it is: 90 days of private coaching plus group support for you to accomplish your most important goal before the end of 2021.

How Much: $500 (enrollment deadline is this Friday, Aug 20th)

Dates: Sept 7th – Nov 30th, meet weekly

Why It Works: Personalized 1:1 coaching by me with support of the other men in the group, all interested in achieving and accomplishing their goals.

Only 6 spots available
So you get lots of personal attention from me.

Let me share a story with you…

As young adult man in the 90s I was busy…being a husband, raising my boys, working my job. And even though I had so many things going on in my life, I still had important dreams and goals I wanted to achieve.

I desired to do better for myself…in my career, with my health, in my relationships. I wanted to be a better man for my wife and a better dad for my sons. I wanted to make more money.

I wanted to show up in the world as a man who could get things done, a man who does what he sets out to do.

I suspect you may share those same goals. True?

Your Routines During the Busy Holiday Season

Well then, maybe you are like me…

In my head I knew what I wanted to do. I even had some idea of how to do it, but getting started was a problem. When I did get started, staying focused and on task created a challenge.
And honestly, sometimes, making the commitment and putting my stake in the ground seemed scary. What if I fail? What will other people say or think of me?
That all changed when I took two specific actions…

First, I hired a coach.

An expert who could help me get very clear on what it was I wanted to achieve, help me identify the specific steps needed to get there, and help me see the actions I could take in my current circumstances.

I was able to start.

Second, I put myself into

Not just with anyone, but with a group of other men who desired to achieve, who had the same focus and drive I sought, who wanted something more and better in their lives.
They challenged me to not stop, not quit, but be consistent each week in my progress. When I fell down they supported me getting up and to get moving again. They wanted me to succeed.
I could keep going.

This is why I have developed my 90 Days to Goal program… to give men like me the coaching and accountability support that worked so well for me to achieve my goals.

Did you know that in 90 days you can…

No matter what your goals are as a man, you can achieve them with the right level of focus, accountability, and support.

Having worked with hundreds of men, here’s what I’ve discovered to be the greatest obstacles to achieving your goals:

You don’t have to struggle with these anymore — I’ve found a solution.
Introducing 90 Days To Goal — a proven program to take you from dreaming and thinking about your goals to actually work on them, make significant progress, and achieve them.

Here’s what you get:

Space is limited to 6 men only.
Program price is $500 for the entire 90 days.

Your turn, take action now:

Remember, accountability and partnership make the difference between achieving your goals or failing at them.

You are in charge — it’s your life, your goals, your decision. What will you make of it in the next 90 Days?

Hope to see you on the inside.
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