Small Steps

What is one thing you can do today to be the man you know you are meant to be? Too often we put off doing things in our lives that we know will benefit us, make us better, allow us to give more and be more for others. We each may have our different reasons for this,...

Emotional Access

What is your emotional range men? Do you perceive showing others your sadness a weakness? How about happiness? What do you show when you are fucking angry? There is a problem with ignoring, denying, and disowning how we feel. No matter how big of a stone face we put...

The Danger in Comparison.

I’m a comparison shopper. When I want to buy something I like to compare brands, prices, and the available functions offered. After the purchase, it makes me feel good knowing I have the best quality and functionality at a fair price. In this context the...

I See.

Have you ever found yourself in a discussion with someone and these words come out of your mouth, “I see things exactly as they are.” ⁣⁣Where do you go from here in a conversation?⁣⁣In my life I have said these words, usually in a disagreement or argument with someone...

At What Cost?

I’m a cost conscious guy. I don’t enjoy or think it’s smart to waste my money. In most cases it is easy for me to be aware of the value exchange of money for goods and services. What gets trickier is the value exchange for my time, my well being, and...